Will Pastor of Dr. King Jr.’s Church, Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church, Leave Pulpit for Senate Race?

Hello World,

The New Year is a time for new direction and from what I’ve heard, the Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock, pastor of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church, where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was once the pastor, may be heading in a new direction.

According to the AJC, “the Atlanta pastor is expected to soon announce a challenge to Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler, and his stemwinder of a sermon at this week’s Martin Luther King Jr. ceremony may as well have been a preview of his campaign message.

What the Democrat hasn’t said yet is whether he plans to remain on the pulpit of the historic church that serves as King’s spiritual home. But if the last time he pondered a Senate run is any guide, he’s likely to serve double-duty as both a candidate and a clergyman. “

While Pastor Warnock could theoretically do both, here’s the issue, according to the AJC:

“But Warnock would have to steer clear of overtly politicking on the pulpit and using church resources for his campaign. The church could not endorse Warnock or collect cash for him. Any political activity such as forums or get-out-the-vote efforts must be done in a nonpartisan way.

Violating those rules would risk penalties from the Internal Revenue Service, which classifies churches as tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations that don’t pay federal income tax but also can’t actively engage in political campaigns. “

Read the rest of the article HERE.

As we just celebrated the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s holiday on Monday, Pastor Warnock’s potential announcement and all that it entails is definitely news.

What do you think he should do if he runs?

Any thoughts?



Dr. King’s Church Ebenezer Baptist Church Hosts ‘Worship in Wakanda’ Today Ahead of Tonight’s Oscars!

Hello World,

Tonight is the Superbowl of the movie industry! In other words, the 91st Academy Awards aka The Oscars, as fraught with controversy as it may be and has been, is tonight at 8 pm! Of all of the nominees, I’m most interested in “Black Panther” as a nominee for Best Picture! “Black Panther” was the highest grossing film of 2018 and was the third highest grossing film in the United States EVER and should definitely win tonight!

And if you did not know, “Black Panther” was filmed in Atlanta, which has been called the real Wakanda, the fictional destination in the movie where black excellence is fostered and celebrated every day of the year not only during Black History Month! I don’t know if this on purpose, but Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Dr. King and his father Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. served as pastors, is hosting “Worship in Wakanda” today at its church services.

And here I am in my African garb to see the movie!

According to the flyer, on this Black Emphasis Sunday, African heritage, highlighting black genius and creativity, will be honored. Also, members are being encouraged to wear Afr0-centric or Afro futuristic attire. And “Black Panther” costume designer Ruth E. Carter could be the first black person to win an Oscar for costume design if she wins tonight! Remember when erebody was posting pics of themselves in African garb to see the movie? #WakandaForever!

Another Atlanta hero and civil rights giant Congressman John Lewis will be one of the best picture presenters tonight!

And speaking of civil rights, today begins the last week that the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta is free to visit! Coca Cola paid the admission for all to visit for free during Black History Month! I’ve visited and what I loved the most is seeing the collage of mug shots of the young people of all races who were willing to be arrested for the cause of civil rights back in the ’60s. Some of them looked as young as my 17-year-old nephew…

Anywho, I’m watching the Oscars tonight! What about you?

Any thoughts?

Ebenezer Baptist Church First Lady Oulèye N. Warnock Appointed as Senior Human Trafficking Fellow of the City of Atlanta!

Hello World,

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms announced  that she has appointed Oulèye N. Warnock, First Lady of Ebenezer Baptist Church, the pastoral home of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as Senior Human Trafficking Fellow of the City of Atlanta. In this role, Warnock will lead the transformation and acceleration of how the City approaches the prevention of human trafficking and the extension of support to trafficking survivors. Warnock is specifically tasked with developing and implementing a citywide policy blueprint on current anti-trafficking programs, critical gaps, and recommended new or strengthened policies and practices to be rolled out across all City departments.

The appointment of an expert solely dedicated to addressing Atlanta’s human trafficking issue was a promise Mayor Bottoms made during a January press conference in recognition of Human Trafficking Awareness Month. This appointment marks the fulfillment of that pledge.

“Just as there are top-level officials who plan for the City’s economic growth and development, it is equally important to have members of my administration who plan for the safety and protection of all who come through Atlanta, particularly those who are most vulnerable amongst us,” said Mayor Bottoms.

Warnock brings a wealth of global humanitarianism expertise to the City of Atlanta. She has conducted policy research and planning domestically and abroad including in Tel Aviv, Israel, Dakar, Senegal, and Northern Thailand. Warnock received her B.A. in International Studies from Spelman College and holds postgraduate degrees from Oxford University and Columbia University, where she is a Richard Hofstadter Fellow.

“Human trafficking in our city is part of a global network of modern day slavery, and we are committed to bringing it to an end in Atlanta.” said Warnock. “I am grateful for this opportunity to work in Mayor Bottoms’ administration as we build a safer Atlanta and a promising future for all who call this great city home.”

The Senior Human Trafficking Fellow is part of the Mayor’s Executive team and reports to the Chief of Staff. The position is funded for a minimum of two years through a grant from The Partnership for Freedom. Warnock assumed this new role this month.

Any thoughts?