Where is Your Relationship With God? A checklist…

Hello World, 

I could discuss a million hot topics this morning from the royal baby watch to the “Justice for Trayvon” rallies in 100 cities across the U.S. But as a Christian blogger, sometimes I just have to get back to the basics…None of what happens in this world is more important than a personal relationship with God….In fact, it was so important to me, I wrote “After the “Altar Call: The Sisters’ Guide to Developing a Personal Relationship With God” because without a personal relationship with God, this life is meaningless…So I decided to compile a checklist to that will help me and you determine if our personal relationship with God is getting stronger and stronger or slowly dying or nonexistent….First of all, I have to assume that you have decided to make Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior…If you haven’t, the rest of this post doesn’t apply until you have made that crucial decision…and now, on to my list…

  1. How many times this week have you set aside time to spend with God in prayer and devotion without interruption? I must admit that as I have not spent as much time with God lately as I have been planning my wedding…I have rationalized it to myself saying God understands…But the truth is, God is a jealous God and He insists on coming first no matter what the circumstance…
  2. How often do you pause to ask God’s opinion on various matters before declaring your own? As a person with an opinion on just about anything, I often have to remind myself that my opinion is not necessarily God’s opinion…Spending time with God (as I stated above) brings my opinion in line with God’s opinion…
  3. How often do you hear God’s guidance from the smallest of issues to the biggest of issues? I am so comfortable in my relationship with God that I feel free to ask Him about even the smallest issues in my life…It is commonplace to seek God’s guidance when facing significant issues, but most relationships are defined by the little things that happen everyday… For example, I am a discount diva but sometimes I can take it too far…I bought a $10 wedding veil online and when I received it, it looked every bit of $10 so I knew I had to get another veil…Through my relationship with God, I felt led to travel to a specific store across town where I found the perfect veil for nearly the exact amount that I designated to spend on it…In fact, I designated $65 for it, and I spent $64.19…And because I have dreadlocks, I cannot put a comb in my hair which becomes an issue when shopping for wedding veils which are typically attached to combs…A lady at the store had a wire cutter in the back and was able to remove the comb and sell it to me…No this is not world peace, but in my relationship with God, I can seek His guidance on anything…
  4. When the last time you praised God for just being God and not asked Him about anything or for anything? As you know, there is a time for everything…While God encourages us to come to Him with all sorts of requests, there is a time when we have set ourselves aside and just praise Him for being Him…There is nothing greater than feeling the presence of God…When I praise Him, I feel His presence…It often moves me to tears and don’t let me be in my bedroom, sometimes I have to leap in the air…As the song says, there is nobody greater…
  5. When was the last time you sacrificed for God? As Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price of sacrificing His life so that we can a right relationship with God, we are called to sacrifice from time to time…Sometimes God may have lead you to sacrifice money that you designated for one cause and give it to something else…Sometimes God may lead you to sacrifice time in His service…Since I will be getting married soon, I know there will be some sacrifice involved…On a side note, I’m grateful for the armed forces of this country that so sacrifice so much from time with their families to their very lives for our freedom…
  6. When was the last time you did something for the “least of these?” God said in Matthew 25:40 that “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” On the face of this verse, it seems like God is instructing us to care for the poor because they have the least monetary resources…But what about the “least of these” when it comes to other resources? I’m going to tell you a secret…Sometimes, I can be a bit of a snob…Growing up, I was in the “B” or “C” crowd, but I aspired to be in the “A” crowd…As an adult, none of that foolishness really matters anymore except I still often find myself wanting to gravitate to the “cool kids” whether they are the people who are the most well known in my profession to the more affluent people in my social groups…But God wants me to treat everyone the same…So I have to make an effort sometimes to be kind to the people I find socially awkward or people that aren’t upwardly mobile…
  7. How often do you step out on faith? In Hebrew 11:6, we are told that “without faith it is impossible to please God?” How often do you make decisions that may not make sense to those around you but make sense to you according to your relationship with God? Some years back, I wanted to know more about money and have more money, I decided to give more than my tithe on faith that God would bless me…About a year or so later, I met a financial coach who taught me how to manage the money I already had AND more money came my way…that is just one example…holla at me at jacqueline@afterthealtarcall.com if you need more examples..

So where is relationship with God? This song is my on my heart this morning…”Nobody Greater” by Vashawn Mitchell?

Any thoughts?


‘The View’ Co-Host Sherri Shepherd and husband Lamar Sally Are Having A Baby!!!

Hello World,

“The View”‘s Sherri Shepherd recently announced that she and her husband Lamar Sally will be having a baby on “The Tom Joyner Morning Show,” according to Elev8. However, as Shepherd, whom I interviewed for my book “After the Altar Call: The Sisters’ Guide to Developing a Personal Relationship With God,” is 46 years old, the couple have opted to use a surrogate mother.

“We found a drama-free uterus,” Shepherd told Tom and Sybil. “We found a girl that didn’t have any drama in her life. We’re putting in our  egg and Sal’s sperm and we’ll let you know how it progresses.”

Sherri, who already has one son Jeffrey from her previous marriage, recently released her book “Plan D: How to Lose Weight and Beat Diabetes (Even If You Don’t Have It)”and new wig line LUXHAIRNOW by Sherri Shepherd will debut on QVC on June 13.

As I will be getting married this summer, I have started to think about motherhood and whether it’s a real possibility as I will be 40 years old this year…I love spending time with my niece, who is 5 years old, and my nephew, who is 12 years old, and I have worked with the youth at my church in various capacities from being a Sunday School teacher to Vacation Bible School director. But I wonder if I have what it takes to be a mother at this age. I get so sleepy sometimes, and I cannot imagine having to tend to a crying baby at night. And a friend of mine who recently had a baby told me how much she pays for a diapers! Children are expensive, and I have to save for my retirement 🙂 And then if you want to go somewhere you can’t just hop into your car and ride out. You have to consider if you can bring the baby along and if not, you have to find a sitter…And on top of all that, I will be a whopping 40 years older than my child…An old mama. So anyway, these are some of my concerns/fears as I ponder if motherhood is truly for me…I know this all sounds whiny and selfish, but just because you have a uterus doesn’t mean you are supposed to be a mother…

If you’ve had a children at 40 years old and older, let me know how it has been for you!

Any thoughts?

Join Me This Thursday at the Historic Hammonds House Museum!!!

Hello World!

As further confirmation that 2012 was a blessed year for me, I was one of two authors selected as an emerging writer for 2012 by Written Magazine!

Join me, Kim Green (author of “Hallucination”) and Written Magazine at “Wine & Words” at the historic Hammonds House Museum, 503 Peeples Street, Atlanta (the West End), GA 30310 on Thursday, January 10 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  Take part in the book discussion and signing and enjoy light fare all for free 🙂

To register, go to Eventbrite. See you there!!!

Any thoughts?