Former Follower of Pinky Promise Founder Heather Lindsey Implies She’s a ‘False Prophet’ & Says She Owes Her Money!

Hello World,

As a Christian blogger, I’ve heard of Heather Lindsey, “founder of The Pinky Promise, an organization that promotes honoring God with your life &  body whether single or married,” every now and then but not enough to have closely examined her ministry. But the last time I recall hearing about her was when I mentioned her in a blog post entitled “The Top 10 Blog Posts and or Articles for Black Christian Women in September 2016.” I included an excerpt from this blog post “The Cult of Heather Lindsey: Examining the Rise of the Purity Movement & One of Its Most Magnanimous Leaders” by D. Danyelle from D. Danyelle did not hold back in her critique. This is what she wrote:

Make no mistake about it: the majority of Lindsey’s audience is comprised of single, Black, Christian women. Lindsey has created a ministry that teaches that women are single because God is pruning & preparing for the entrance of her mate can come in at best. At worst, her ministry teaches that singleness is as a result of being especially chosen by God for a life of solitude in preparation for His return.

The tenets of Heather Lindsey’s ministry suggests that single women must do and become enough in order to become a wife. In every instance, Lindsey has created a profitable business model by planting the idea that women aren’t “good” enough on their own. Ministry should not be in business to profit from misery. And there is nothing more miserable than creating a space that causes women to base their entire identity, worth, and esteem on their sexuality.

And many impressionable young women are buying in wholesale hook, line, and sinker.

And since D. Danyelle ended her blog post with mentioning money, let’s start with that in 2020. A whole four years later after what D. Danyelle wrote, Jaleceya Tate via YouTube claimed she is owed a refund for buying Heather Lindsey’s products in addition to criticizing her in much of the same way that D. Danyelle did. Jaleceya said she became a follower of Heather Lindsey in approximately 2013 because of her “cute kids, cute husband and cute testimony.” She subsequently attended a Pinky Promise conference, bought two of Heather Lindsey’s books and even attended Heather Lindsey’s cooking class.  She revealed that perusing Heather Lindsey’s perfect Instagram page over time caused her to feel her life, in comparison, was inferior. As a result, she began to not go her page as much.

Still, she became a part of a Pink Leaders group that you have to pay to join. But she regretted joining because she discovered that the content offered in the group was content that was also offered for free, allegedly. When she looked at her financial statements, she also realized that she had been double charged for her membership, according to her! Apparently, the membership fee was $20 a month, but she was being charged $40 a month. Additionally, she said she paid a $100 fee (that was supposed to refundable) to apply to join a Heather Lindsey mentorship program that costs $2,000.  Jaleceya has tried to get her money back, but so far, she is still owed the money, according to her.

She describes the lavish lifestyle of Heather Lindsey and her husband. It appears that she found a listing for the house the couple recently bought and it’s worth over $1 million. She points out that Heather Lindsey is holding a purse that costs approximately $2,000 in one picture, and her husband Cornelius is wearing Gucci shades that cost at least $400 in another picture. She said the couple charges for all of their ministry offerings and that they are handsomely profiting from it.  Similarly to D. Danyelle wrote, Jalecya said certain kind of women are lured into following Heather Lindsey. “I cannot tell you how many Pinky Promise sisters I’ve met that are single, lonely, depressed and sad, and they look up to Heather and it’s borderline worshiping Heather. “

Check out the video for yourself here:

Again, I don’t know much about Heather Lindsey to meaningfully comment or to know if Jaleceya’s allegations are true, but I will say this: In this age of everyone-who-has-an-Internet-connection-and-Instagram-page-can-be-a-leader, discernment is essential…

And I will end with this verse: Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”  1 John 4:1.

Any thoughts?




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17 thoughts on “Former Follower of Pinky Promise Founder Heather Lindsey Implies She’s a ‘False Prophet’ & Says She Owes Her Money!

  1. Heather is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She is a fraud that does not practice what she preaches and seeks to suck her followers dry for money. She nickel and dimes these young woman to pay for her lavish lifestyle. I have never seen Heather give back to the poor/needy nor volunteer her time. Now, she is charging $10 a month for a daily devotional. Heather worships money and fame! You have been warned.

  2. I used to follow Heather and her husband Cornelius, until recently. They’ve changed dramatically, since I first encountered them on Facebook. Cornelius’ views then, leaned heavily towards Calvinism and he called out TD Jakes as a false prophet. Fast forward to now and he’s grinning in that man’s face, as if nothing happened.

    I can write a book on Heather. She’s been pushing the same purity movement and works-based salvation from the beginning. A decade later, her sermons and books pimp the same recycled messages; void of biblically-sound Gospel and growth. Everything they do is a money grab. Heather knows and understands her appeal and she milks that image for everything it’s worth. She’s not pointing anyone towards Christ; what we get is her lifestyle, what worked for her, and how to get what she has. Heather’s entire focus is how to get and keep a husband.

    Really? Is that all God is limited to? Any favor or mercy he shows us, is strictly for a spouse? Heather is too uneducated to properly disseminate anything corncerning biblical matters and should step down from that platform. Women are idolizing HER. Jesus is just an accessory on the side. Anyone presenting actual Scripture or an opposing view on her posts, is blocked from her page or attacked by her followers.

    There’s absolutely nothing Christ-like about them, except the title they give themselves.

  3. This is a first I have heard about this woman lindsey. I HEARD about her through a friend that followed her. Then I read this article, read comments including yours.

    This is sad news to hear. TRULY. But what is sadder is this is a woman who is supposedly leading people to Christ. No one is perfect but ALL THROUGHOUT THE SCRIPTURES it says to to suffer not the children to come on to me for such is the Kingdom of heaven. There is MORE THAN ONE scripture that notes people behaving in SELFISH WAYS that causes another to fall or stumble. Christ regards HIS CHURCH not Lindsey’s church but the church she calls- HERSELF leading ARE HIS CHURCH, HE TAKES PROBLEM with people who mistreated his. That scripture doesn’t further refer to His children as bad children or good children BUT CHILDREN NON- THE LESS.

    You know a tree by its fruits! Testimonies of babes coming forth they are being abused in various forms… That is a RED FLAG and worthy of DUE INVESTIGATION. More than one person says it isn’t an isolated incident. As well as the resulted condition of followers, fruits can also be evident behaviors and Scripture points out those behaviors belonging to a FALSE PROPHET.

    Their MONEY IS BEING STOLEN! $1000’s of dollars! Sexual Abuse and other works? And you talkin bout no one is perfect? Honey? REPENTANCE. True REPENTANCE seeing where you wrong, owning the mistake and taking the initiative to change those ways ALL IN CHRIST. Because if the ability in ourselves, there wouldn’t be a need to repent. If we take one step towards him he will take several towards us… You have to make the move. In simplest terms, it is not an accident, if this is on more than one occasion this has happened its called ORGANIZED CRIME.
    I’m glad these BABES learned their lesson and AM BLESSED that they share their testimony. I thank God for these women coming forward. THANK YOU CHRIST they are healing.

    We reap what we sow. Also according scripture, THE FALSE PROPHET WILL HAVE HIS PLACE IN THE LAKE OF FIRE. You can’t serve God and mammon( money).

    You love Lindsey? I do, TRULY I DO. Better go tell Ol’ Girl to REPENT for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.

  4. I strongly disagree with the critique of her ministry. Please check out her content for yourself. Seriously, test out these critiques and make a judgement for yourself. Her videos are available on youtube. I’m not Heather’s biggest fan, I don’t follow her on social media or purchase her services, but I’ve attended 3 of her Pinky Promise conferences in past years in my 20s. I also heard some of her messages outside of Pinky Promise in the past as well. One of my biggest takeaways from her ministry when I was younger and single was to maintain my focus on the Lord Jesus rather than waiting anxiously for a man. Leaving her conferences didn’t make me hungry for more of Heather’s ministry. Rather, I edified and eager to go to the next level in my walk with the Lord. I’ve heard her preach literally the opposite of women “aren’t enough.” I can’t speak as far as the allegations about her owing money and all that. And I’m not trying to step up as a defense attorney for her. Just wanted to share my experience about her ministry, which, from what I remember, spoke very often to singles. And often directly to singles who have a hard time being single.

    • I’ve read the numerous allegations against the Lindsey’s. I’m a big believer of let go and let God. What’s done in the dark comes to light. But the Lindsey’s are human. No human should have such power! I personally will never give any human the power to steal my joy. I am married with two beautiful babies. I will never let an outsider have so much power over my spiritual or financial well being. The accusers are hurt and vulnerable. I pray for everyone to heal moving forward.

    • All this is definitely true vibes are real and we don’t need to know them personally…. I feel like that’s why they don’t have their own church building and I really love her husband but she’s definitely the snake that changed him …. I have so much more to say but they aren’t worth my time

    • I think you have missed a lot because you only listen and watch her content but most of her ex followers also followed her social media. Yes if you listen to her content you might not see a lot being mentioned. I followed her for years on social media and bought books, and tuned in to sermons by her. The life she portrayed on showed media and things they would record and say is what we are talking about. Away from the pulpit she had a different message and I couldn’t listen anymore because I knew they were disingenuous. The way she addressed people that support her ministry too was always very confrontational. People aren’t making this up. Those who are speaking up have watched different areas of their lives and they really did profit off single women and making them feel like you are a work in progress until a man finds you. I’m married so I never felt like I was targeted by them but I remember specifically buying a book and after I read it I thought I would not give this to my single friends simply because it would probably drag them into this fantasy and the Heather lindsey false world. Many of the people speaking up have followed their social media pages, read every post and watch every video and they were really off putting sometime, the lavish lifestyle and posting every small detail loke like they are showing off. It made very easy to believe the church members who spoke out because we had already seen some of them before on social media. They all brought receipts too so it’s not here say, one girl posted an audio of a meeting they had with Cornelius admitting to tax evasion. And we’ve all seen how they quickly block and are rude to people who may disagree with them. I used to lobe them but Heather was on social media eveeyday and I began to realise she is not a nice person at all. They treat the ministry as a business and treated their church badly too. They have too much pride to just humble themselves and ask forgiveness. They have hurt many people and if they don’t repent for selling the gospel that is free to all, a great judgement is waiting for them.

  5. I’m so saddened by how many people in the body of Christ are attacking this family. I don’t follow them closely, but I’ve seen so much fruit from their ministry. I’ve also heard them both minister and what I heard taught was the infallible Word of God. Here’s what I know about the Word: persecution comes for the Word’s sake. (Mark 4:17)

    One sermon that will always stand out to me when I was a single woman was when Heather said a “a husband is not a cookie for good behavior”. She went on to talk about focusing on pleasing God with our lives and trusting God’s timing and His plan for our lives. Nothing she portrayed was works-based as I’m reading in these allegations.

    Like I’ve seen with a lot of ministers who gain visibility from preaching the Word, they become targets for the devil’s accusations.

    As believers, let us walk in love and believe the best. Let’s pray for them and those who feel wronged, instead of jumping on the bandwagon of persecutors. God bless you all. ❤️

    • Please be careful when you defend people and be careful not to dismiss those who have really experienced spiritual abuse from this couple. You have mentioned you don’t follow them closely. Most people who follow them closely have stopped because there is so much evidence to show there has been spiritual abuse and on the outward they look like a great couple so it might be hard for you to believe. If you followed their social media pages and watched their every move then you would have seen the change in their behaviour once they were making a lot of money. The way they would talk to people on social media sometimes was very rude and just dismissive even though they were the same people buying tickets to events and buying books. When the allegations came out, it all made sense…the proof is there on YouTube look it up. Not every one is what they seem, they may start off that way but bible says the love of money is the root of all evil. Any ministry can start off godly and bearing good fruit but if one does not guard their heart then they will go astray.
      What is shameful is how the majority of people under their abuse were unable to speak publicly because they were made to sign non disclosure agreements. But that didn’t stop others who boldly came out and shared their truth, spiritual abuse is real and we shouldn’t always defend those in the public light before we look at the victims. There are real victims in this situation, as a result of the actions. “Not the devil attacking them”. There is audio of a meeting from the church, people who were on staff have shared their stories as they had already left. Most of these people are familiar to people who followed the Lindseys closely and the GO church so we know they are not going to lie. There is too many people who have spoken from the church, the Lindseys stepped down and posted a video laughing about how many people’s lives could ruin because they know so much about them. They have no remorse for the damage done.

  6. I don’t know the Lindsey’s just recently heard their name. I have questions for the young lady based solely on this article. You said you saw this woman’s life on social media and in pictures and was intrigued. That’s the lure and trick of social media. That’s also called envy. Women that lonely hurting and depressed need therapy not a woman to envy. If you were being double charged on a monthly fee, why spend more money.
    I definitely do not think ministries should charge for everything but the day of killing themselves for free is definitely over. Working with people myself, they have all the problems and want to talk for hours until I begin to charge for my time. These are the same people that will pay coaches, other groups, and other online influencers/personalities with no credentials because they are enticed by the lifestyle the person showed.
    Again I don’t know what Heather is teaching, but Christian women should prepare themselves to just be better Christian not to just get married. Being single is not a disease and everyone will not get married. Live all of your life and if marriage happens great, if it doesn’t still great.

  7. Ladies stay away from her, she is greedy and money hungry. I see now she’s offering a stock trading course to unsuspecting women. Of course, it’s gonna cost you. I went to the number one business school in the world, and wouldn’t charge for a course on basics. It’s unethical. She’s basically an infomercial for the devil. There are women who follow her that don’t have much to lose, and the stock market is not some place for a beginner to start throwing money around. Heather is claiming to understand puts/calls which are complicated and further require a trading account which some women may not qualify for. So they are going to pay Heather to “learn the stock market” and then won’t be able to set up the accounts necessary. I thought she was a Christian leader? Open your eyes ladies, she isn’t worried about your salvation but paying for her next Gucci bag. Now she’s an “Expert” stock trading? Let’s hope she doesn’t try to get involved in crypto next… she’s right behind Sam Bankman-Fried.

  8. This couple is toxic, phony and a couple of demonic witchcraft practicing swingers he even uses his own mother like a slave keeping those children; like a nanny it’s a matter of time for these two God is not going to allow them to get by with any of it